
How to choose a gravel helmet ?

The bike helmet is an integral part of the rider's gravel gear. But how to find your way among the different models offered on the market? Moreover, is there really a helmet dedicated to the discipline? How to find the right size and the right settings? This complete guide helps you to see more clearly to choose your gravel helmet and ride while being well protected.

Let's start by remembering that wearing a helmet is an integral part of cyclists' equipment, gravel riders included!

But what does the law actually say about it?

In France, adults are not required to wear a bicycle helmet when pedaling. On the other hand, children must absolutely be equipped with one if they are less than 12 years old. And this is true even when they are passengers. The helmet must of course be fastened under the chin. This infraction is punishable by a fixed fine of €135 that can rise to €750.

While legislation does not require adults to wear a helmet, it is still strongly recommended. It ensures the protection of the cyclist in case of an accident, allowing to limit the risk of concussion and head injuries.

We can only hope that the helmet will be worn by adults

We can't stress enough the importance of putting on your gravel helmet the moment you get on your bike. Even if your ride is only a few minutes long!

Focus on the gravel helmet

Now let's get to the heart of the matter: choosing your future gravel helmet.

There is no such thing as a gravel helmet per se, although some specialized models are starting to emerge. No wonder: gravel is primarily a multipurpose bike focused on multiple uses. Logical, then, that the gravel helmet is also hybrid!

But then, what is a gravel helmet? Well, it's a helmet tailored to your gravel riding.

Gravel helmet models

You can either go for road-type helmets or prefer a mountain bike helmet. This choice really depends on your cycling profile, the intensity of your practice and your intention of use.

In what cases should you favor one or the other for gravel?

  • You want to ride mainly on tarred roads: the choice is clear, a profile road helmet model is what you need. Ventilation and aerodynamics will thus be at the meeting.
  • You plan to alternate roads and forest paths in cycling or hiking: choose a mountain bike-oriented helmet with a small visor and a wraparound shape. It will cover more of your head, such as the back of the skull and the side areas of the face, for better protection.
  • You use your gravel to go to work: prized by commuters, the urban style helmet is perfect for getting around town by bike.

The gravel philosophy lies in the willingness to think outside the box. If you stick to that, you get a multipurpose gravel helmet for every ride: gravel, trekking, city. In short, comfort, lightness and safety.

For example, the Trail Forest model from Ekoï is very well suited for gravel use.

The look of the helmet, a matter of taste

Manufacturers compete with ingenuity with bike helmets for men and women with designs that are sometimes sober, discreet and elegant, and sometimes variegated, flashy and original.

When it comes to style, taste and color are unique to each individual, so make your selection based on your preferences.

Do you want to stand out from the crowd with a gravel helmet that reflects you? Opt for a customized helmet with your name and favorite color. Unique model guaranteed!

Want to embrace the gravel look all the way to the helmet? To imitate the real thing, you'll be sure to slip a cap under your bike helmet. It's the trademark of the gravelers!

A gravel helmet tailored for your head

Whatever your inclination in design and model, your helmet must first and foremost be the right size. This is a safety criterion that is paramount.

To find out what size helmet to choose, proceed as follows:

  • measure the circumference of your skull with a soft tape measure, above the eyebrows and occipital area;
  • refer to the manufacturer's size guide, specific to the product selected.

Try on your helmet before you buy if you have the opportunity. Otherwise, know that the majority of brands offer exchange or refund if by any chance the model does not fit you. What to find the ideal gravel helmet with peace of mind.

The settings to adjust

A helmet that fits is also a helmet that is well adjusted. In fact, optimal occipital support is essential to protect you as best as possible against possible shocks.

Here are the steps to properly adjust your gravel helmet. Be sure to follow them in this exact order:

    1.Use the knob on the back of the helmet to loosen it as much as possible.
    2.Put on your helmet and tighten the knob this time until you get a good fit, without pressure points.
    3.Then tackle the adjustment of the side straps, which should draw a Y under the ears.
    4.Adjust the chinstrap under the chin: you must leave room to insert two fingers, no more and no less.

Once adjusted, the helmet should not move: neither when you tilt your head back and forth nor when you tilt it to the sides. It should go with your movements and remain fixed.

Gravel helmet maintenance

Regular maintenance is necessary to enjoy your helmet over time and limit its deterioration. To take care of it, nothing could be easier: clean it with a soft sponge and a dash of soapy water. Forget about detergents and chemicals that could damage it. Air dry in the shade, and you're done!"

If your mosses are soaked with sweat and exude a bad smell, you can machine wash them at 30 degrees maximum. However, don't put them in the dryer.

Last but not least: store your gravel helmet in a way that it's properly secured to prevent it from falling off due to negligence. A damaged helmet is a helmet to throw away. Choose a dry place out of the sun.

The life span of bicycle helmets

A gravel helmet should basically be renewed every 3 to 5 years. Why? Simply because polystyrene loses its effectiveness over time. As the main component of the bike helmet, this material plays a role in absorbing shocks and preserving our precious brain.

To find out if polystyrene is still in good condition, the technique is to press a finger on it. Is the material stiff and dry? That's a sign to get a new gravel helmet! A label inside the helmet usually indicates its date of manufacture.

Also, you should routinely replace your helmet following a fall. Even if it looks harmless, a simple little crack makes it obsolete. Your helmet doesn't look damaged? Yet it has lost its cohesion from the impact. Change it immediately.

You've got all the facts when it comes to choosing your future gravel helmet. Continue to outfit yourself from head to toe by finding our tips on gravel jersey, gravel gloves and gravel shoes!

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